Parenting is a tough job. It’s hard to find time for yourself and your spouse, let alone have time to cook healthy meals or do anything else you need to do.
We all know that parenting is a 24/7 job, but it doesn’t have to be as exhausting as it seems. Here are 10 tips on how you can be a better parent in 10 minutes or less.

Source: Pixabay
1) Get up an hour earlier than usual every day and spend that time with your kids instead of sleeping in.
2) Make sure you take care of yourself by taking short walks during the day and getting enough sleep at night.
3) Take care of your marriage by having date nights once a week where you talk about everything and anything but parenting so that the two of you can stay connected.
4) Schedule one night each week when the kids go over to their grandparent’s house for dinner and spend some quality time with your partner without any distractions from children.
5) Find a babysitter for one night each week.6) Schedule a lunch date every Friday.
6) Schedule date nights on the weekend once a month to go out and spend time with each other.
7) Take a trip to your favorite destination at least two times per year.
8) Make time for family over work; spend more time together as a family unit. . your thoughts, feelings, and ideas as to what’s going on in your life during the day or week.
9) Get up at least one hour earlier than usual so you can enjoy a leisurely breakfast with the family.
10) Give back to your community by volunteering or donating your time.
11) Never compare yourself with others; they will only bring you down and make you feel inadequate.